Platinum year
A 75th birthday anniversary is commonly referred to as a "diamond jubilee."
the 75th years - die fünfundsiebigsten Jahrethe 75th year - das fünfundsiebzigste Jahr
The 125th jubilee is called a quasquicentennial jubilee. Jubilee is an anniversary of an event usually celebrated during the 25th, 50th, or 75th year.
The year was 1999.
March 16
diamond jubilee
Not a conventional US Army division. But the US Army's 75th Rangers were in South Vietnam. The 75th had "Ranger" companies strung out in each MR (Military Region I, II, III, and IV/also called I Corps, II Corps, etc.). For example P company (called Papa 75th Rangers) were in I Corps. Kilo 75th (K company) may have been in either II or III Corps, etc.
Type your answer here... Bhishma rath jayanti
The answer will depend on 74thand 75th place of WHAT! The answer will depend on 74thand 75th place of WHAT! The answer will depend on 74thand 75th place of WHAT! The answer will depend on 74thand 75th place of WHAT!
Pat shurmur