Gli speciali del giorno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "The specials of the day."
Specifically, the masculine plural definite article glimeans "the." The masculine noun speciali means "specials." The word del combines the preposition di and the masculine singular definite article il to mean "of the." The masculine noun giorno means "day."
The pronunciation is "lyee speh-TCHYAH-lee dehl DJOHR-noh."
"How was the day?" in English is Com'è stato il giorno?in Italian.
"Wonderful day!" in English is Bellissima giornata! in Italian.
"Have a blessed day!" in English is Giorno benedetto! in Italian.
"Beautiful day!" in English means Bella giornata! in Italian.
"Valentine's Day" in English is Festa di San Valentino in Italian.
"I had a bad day!" in English is Ebbi una brutta giornata! in Italian.
"Forever and a day" in English is per sempre e un giornoin Italian.
"Have a good day at work!" in English is Buona giornata al lavoro! in Italian.
Yes it does.
"Giorno del cibo italiano"
"Saint Patrick's Day" in English is Il giorno di San Patrizio in Italian.