Soggiorno in Italian means "living room" or "(a) stay" in English.
stay true - soggiorno vero
"I hope you enjoy your stay with us!" in English is Spero che tu trascorra un buon soggiorno con noi! in Italian.
Hai un soggiorno grande! and Avete un soggiorno grande! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "You have a big living room!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "eye oon sod-DJOR-no GRAN-dey" in the singular and "a-VEY-tey oon sod-DJOR-no GRAN-dey" in the plural in Pisan Italian.
When translated from English to Italian a raccoon is a procione
"About" in English is circa in Italian.
"Out" in English is fuori in Italian.
"Or" in English is o in Italian.
"Not italian" in English is non italiano in Italian.
"To have" in English means avere in Italian.
"How is he?" in English is Come sta? in Italian.
"And you?" in English is E tu? in Italian.
"Who we are" in English is Chi siamo in Italian.