"Buon pasto" is an Italian equivalent of "nice meal."
Specifically, the masculine adjective "buon"* means "good, nice." The masculine noun "pasto" means "meal." The pronunciation is "bwohn PAH-stoh."
*The masculine adjective actually is "buono." But the final "o" drops before a noun that begins with a consonant.
Pranzo. (Apparently. Check The Italian meal: Information from Answers.com.)
"Buon pranzo (lunch)" "Buona cena (dinner)" "Buon appetito (general, more common expression)
The English phrase "Italian meal" is correct as written since English capitalizes the proper noun-related adjective Italian but not the common noun meal.
The best Italian meal ever is Ravioli, because it is just simply amazing, especially if you put some bolognaise on top (meat sauce).
"The meal was delicious" in English means Il piatto era squisito in Italian.
that have salads at the end of their meal.
The cast of Nice Meal - 2008 includes: Chris Mala as The Waiter
Unique dishes are important for the experience of a meal. Everyone enjoys a nice meal, and unique dishes are more memorable for making a nice meal.
Buon pasto is an Italian equivalent of 'good meal'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'bwohn PAH-stoh'. The masculine adjective 'buono' means 'good'. The masculine gender noun 'pasto' means 'meal'.
"Nice pictures!" in English is Belle foto! in Italian.
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