"Piccolo angelo" or "Angioletto" may be Italian equivalents of "little angel."
Specifically, the masculine adjective "piccolo" means "little, small." The masculine noun "angelo" means "angel." The masculine noun "angioletto" means "little angel" through the adding of the diminutive suffix "-etto" to "angelo."
The respective pronunciations are "PEEK-koh-koh AHN-djeh-loh" and "AHN-djyoh-LEHT-toh."
La mia preziosa amica in the feminine and il mio prezioso amico in the masculine are two Italian equivalents of the English phrase "my precious friend."
Specifically, the feminine singular definite article laand the masculine il -- which may or may not need to be included in the English translation, depending upon context and intent -- are "the." The feminine possessive adjective miaand the masculine mio mean "my." The feminine adjective preziosa and the masculine prezioso mean "precious." The feminine noun amica and the masculine amico translate respectively as "female friend" and "male friend."
The respective pronunciation will be "la MEE-a prey-TSYO-sa-MEE-ka" in the feminine and "eel MEE-o prey-TSYO-so a-MEE-ko" in the masculine.
Angelo prezioso is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "precious angel".
Specifically, the masculine noun angelo means "angel". The masculine adjective prezioso translates as "precious" in the sense of both emotion and expense. The pronunciation will be "AHN-dje-loh pre-TSYOH-soh" in Italian.
Angelo custode is the Italian equivalent of 'guardian angel'. In the word by word translation, the masculine gender noun 'angelo' means 'angel'. The preposition 'di' means 'from, of'. The masculine gender noun 'custode' means 'guardian'. The phrase is pronounced 'AHN-heh-loh koo-STOH-day'.
Il mio bambino prezioso is an Italian equivalent of 'my precious baby'. The masculine definite article 'il' is pronounced 'eel', and means 'the'. The masculine possessive 'mio' is pronounced 'MEE-oh', and means 'my'. The masculine gender noun 'bambino' is pronounced 'bahm-BEE-noh', and means 'baby'. The masculine adjective 'prezioso' is pronounced 'preh-TSYOH-soh', and means 'precious'.
"Angelo" is an Italian equivalent of "angel."
Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. Its masculine singular definite article is "l"* ("the"). Its masculine singular indefinite article is "un, uno" ("a, one").
The pronunciation is "AHN-djeh-loh."
*The article actually is "il." But the vowel "i" drops before a noun that begins with a vowel. The temporary nature of the dropped vowel is indicated by an apostrophe: "l'angelo."
"Sei il mio angelo" is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "You're my angel."
Specifically, the verb "sei" means "(informal singular you) are." The masculine singular definite article "il" means "the." The masculine singular possessive adjective "mio" means "my." The masculine noun "angelo" means "angel."
The pronunciation is "SEH eel MEE-oh AN-djeh-loh."
"More" is an English equivalent of the Italian word più. The adverb also translates into English as "most" according to context. The pronunciation will be "pyoo" in Italian.
When translated from Portuguese (not Italian)to English, it means "What is the most famous brazilian (soccer) team in the world?"
"The most beautiful" in English is il più bello in the masculine and la più bella in the feminine in Italian.
piu Bella Donna = most beautiful woman
"What about you?" in English is E tu? in Italian.
Lentamente is an Italian equivalent of the English word "slowly." The adverb most famously refers to a musical direction. The pronunciation will be "LEN-ta-MEN-tey" in Pisan Italian.
Sei la ragazza più bella! in Italian means "You're the most beautiful girl!" in English.
Probably Italian, which is "Ti Amo". :) Answer I agree!
"Maximum" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian word massimo. The masculine singular word also may be rendered into English as "best," "biggest" or "most" as an adjective and "(the) most" as a noun. Either way, the pronunciation will be "MAS-see-mo" in Italian.
"Female friends" in English is amiche in Italian.
Su is an Italian equivalent of the English word "up." It most famously may be found in the expression su e giù ("up and down"). The pronunciation will be "soo" in Pisan Italian.
"Naples" is an English equivalent of the Italian word Napoli.Specifically, the Italian word is a proper noun. It is the name of one of southwestern Italy's most beautiful and historic cities. The pronunciation will be "NAH-poh-lee" in Italian.