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Ricordati di vivere! is an Italian equivalent of the Latin phrase Memento vivere! The second person informal singular imperative and reflexive pronoun, preposition, and present infinitive translate into English as "Remember to live!" The pronunciation will be "ree-KOR-da-tee dee VEE-vey-rey" in Italian and "Meh-MEN-to VEE-veh-reh" in Latin.

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14y ago

In Latin, word order is typically unimportant, unless certain emphasis is being placed on a word. A general rule is that the verb goes last, so in this case "vivere" would be last, because it is the verb.

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12y ago

Ricordo di vivere is an Italian equivalent of the Latin phrase Memento vivere.

Specifically, the Italian verb ricordo and the Latin memento mean "(I) am remembering, do remember, remember". The dependent preposition di literally means "of" but is a required part of the verb in this context in Italian. The present infinitive vivere means "to live" in both Italian and Latin.

The pronunciation will be "ree-KOHR-doh dee VEE-vey-rey" in Italian.

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7y ago

It is Latin for "remember to live"

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