"My handsome boyfriend" is an English equivalent of il mio innamorato bello. The masculine singular definite article, noun, and adjective also translate into English as "my handsome beloved (lover)." The pronunciation will be "eel MEE-o een-NA-mo-RA-to BEL-lo" in Italian.
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Mia innamorata in Italian means "my beloved" in English.
Sono innamorata! in Italian means "I'm in love!" in English.
Bella donna innamorata in Italian means "beautiful woman in love" in English.
I am in love with Austin - Sono innamorata di austin
"I have fallen in love with you!" in English is Mi sono innamorata di te! when said by a female and Mi sono innamorato di te! when said by a male in Italian.
I'm in love with your art is an English equivalent of '[Mi] sono innamorata della tua arte'.
"I'm crazy for that guy, and I'm madly in love with him!" in English is Sono pazza per quel tipo e sono follemente innamorata di lui! in Italian.
Sei innamorata in the feminine and Sei innamoratoin the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "You are in love."Specifically, the present indicative verb sei means "(informal singular you) are." The feminine adjective/past participle innamorata and the masculine innamoratotranslate as "in love." The respective pronunciations in Italian will be "SEH-een-NA-mo-RA-ta" in the feminine and "SEH-een-NA-mo-RA-to" in the masculine.
Ragazza innamorata is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "girl in love."Specifically, the feminine noun ragazza means "girl." The feminine adjective/past participle innamoratatranslates as "in love." The pronunciation will be "ra-GAT-tsa een-NA-mo-RA-ta" in Italian.
When translated from English to Italian a raccoon is a procione
"About" in English is circa in Italian.
"Out" in English is fuori in Italian.