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Generoso is the word for generous

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Q: What is 'generous' when translated from English to Italian?
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(lei) era molto generosa

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"Thank you very much for your generous gift" in English means Grazie mille per il tuo (one person) /vostro (plural) generoso regalo in Italian.

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When translated from English to Italian a raccoon is a procione

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"About" in English is circa in Italian.

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"Out" in English is fuori in Italian.

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"Or" in English is o in Italian.

What is 'not Italian' when translated from English to Italian?

"Not italian" in English is non italiano in Italian.

What is 'have' when translated from English to Italian?

"To have" in English means avere in Italian.

What is 'How is he' when translated from English to Italian?

"How is he?" in English is Come sta? in Italian.

What is 'and you' when translated from English to Italian?

"And you?" in English is E tu? in Italian.

What is 'Who we are' when translated from English to Italian?

"Who we are" in English is Chi siamo in Italian.