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belle labbra

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Q: What is 'beautiful lips' when translated from English to Italian?
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What is 'I want to kiss your beautiful lips' when translated from English to Italian?

Voglio baciare tutto il tuo corpo! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I want to kiss you all over!" The statement translates literally as "I want to kiss your entire body!" in English. The pronunciation will be "VO-lyo ba-TCHA-rey TOOT-to eel TOO-o KOR-po" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'I want to kiss you on your lips' when translated from English to Italian?

Voglio baciarti sulle labbra! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I want to kiss you on your lips!" The declaration translates literally as "I want to kiss you on the lips!" in English. The pronunciation will be "VO-lyo ba-TCHAR-tee SOOL-ley LAB-bra" in Pisan Italian.

What is the English translation of the Italian 'bellissime labbra'?

"Sexy lips" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase bellissime labbra.Specifically, the feminine adjective bellissime means "beautiful, gorgeous, sexy." The feminine noun labbra means "lips." The pronunciation is "behl-LEES-see-meh LAHB-brah."

What is the Italian translation of 'sexy lips'?

Bellissime labbra is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "sexy lips."Specifically, the feminine adjective bellissime means "beautiful, gorgeous, sexy." The feminine noun labbra means "lips." The pronunciation is "behl-LEES-see-meh LAHB-brah."

What does Bella Bocca mean?

it's Italian it mean beautiful lips or something like that..

What is the English translation of the Italian 'voluttuose labbra'?

"Voluptuous lips" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase voluttuose labbra.Specifically, the feminine adjective voluttuose means "voluptuous." The feminine noun labbra means "lips." The pronunciation is "VOH-loot-TWOH-zeh LAHB-brah."

How do you say 'lips' in Maori?

In Maori, "lips" is translated as "ngutu".

How do you say your lips in french?

"Your lips" is translated to French as "tes lèvres."

How do you get fuller lips?

You are just as pretty/beautiful/stunning as a girl with full lips. Come on, be proud of who you are.

Who is the most beautiful actress?

Rubin sarin is really very beautiful...perfect eyes and amazzingly beautiful lips

What is the meaning of the name Lama in Arabic?

the beautiful lips!!

How do you pronounce mobile in spanish?

MÓVIL ['mo.βil][m] as in me[o] as in Italian "voglio", I want[β] no English equivalent. Pronounce it like a [b] with the lips slightly opened.[i] as in Italian "il", he[l] as in "sleep", not as in "left" or "lay"['] main stress[.] syllable break