Poco più mosso in Italian means "(with) slightly more movement" in English.
"I said a little!" in English is Ho detto molto poco! in Italian.
"Pressa poco" just before (Italian- English)
The Italian term for "crescendo poco a poco" is "crescendo gradually."
When translated from English to Italian a raccoon is a procione
"About" in English is circa in Italian.
"Out" in English is fuori in Italian.
"Or" in English is o in Italian.
"Not italian" in English is non italiano in Italian.
"To have" in English means avere in Italian.
There are several ways to say just in Italian. One of which is poco fa. You can find some others, as well as other language translations for this word on answers.com at the following link: http://www.answers.com/just.
"How is he?" in English is Come sta? in Italian.