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Vi preghiamo di mandarci la nota di debito is an Italian equivalent of 'Please send us the debit note'. The phrase in Italian is pronounced 'vee preh-GHYAH-moh Dee mahn-DAHR-chee lah NOH-tah Dee DEH-bee-toh'. It's one of several possibilities in terms of Italian equivalents. In this case, it's a bit formal, because the request is being made between businesses.

In the word by word translation, the personal pronoun 'vi' means 'you'. The verb 'preghiamo' combined with the preposition 'di' means '[we] ask for, beseech, pray'. The infinitive 'mandare' means 'to send'. The personal pronoun 'ci' means 'us'. The feminine definite article 'la' means 'the'. The feminine gender noun 'nota'means 'note'. The masculine gender noun 'debito' means 'debit'.

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Q: What is 'Please send us the debit note' when translated from English to Italian?
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