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"What a beautiful voice!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Che bella voce! The declarative/exclamatory/interrogative pronoun and feminine singular adjective and noun translate literally into English as "That (what) beautiful voice!" The pronunciation will be "key BEL-la VO-tchey" in Italian.

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Belle voci is an Italian equivalent of 'beautiful voices'. The feminine adjective 'belle' means 'beautiful, handsome'. The feminine noun 'voci' means 'voices', and takes as its definite article 'la' ['the'], and 'delle' ['some'] as its indefinite. Together, they're pronounced 'BEHL-leh VOH-chee'.

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Q: What is 'Che bella voce' when translated from Italian to English?
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Bella Voce - group - was created in 1982.

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Ridere ad alta voce is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Laugh out loud." The prepositional phrase translates literally by word order into English as "to laud at high voice." The pronunciation will be "REE-dey-rey a-DAL-ta VO-tchey" in Italian.

What is 'voice' when translated from English to Italian?

Voce is an Italian equivalent of the English word "voice."Specifically, the word functions as a feminine noun in its singular form. It may be used in such special contexts as conscience's "call (voice)," festival "sounds (voices)," and "word-of-mouth." The pronunciation will be "VOH-tchey" in Italian.

What is 'fantastic voice' when translated from English to Italian?

Voce fantastica! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Fantastic voice!" The feminine singular phrase also translates as "Fantastic call!" or "Fantastic sound!" in regard to animals. The pronunciation will be "VO-tchey fan-TA-stee-ka" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'hearing your voice' when translated from English to Italian?

Ascoltando la tua voce is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "hearing your voice."Specifically, the gerund ascoltando is "hearing." The feminine singular definite article la means "the." The feminine possessive adjective tua means "(informal singular) you." The feminine noun voce translates as "voice."The pronunciation will be "A-skol-TAN-do la TOO-a VO-tchey" in Italian.

How do you say sotto voce in English?

"Sotto voce" is an Italian term that translates to "in a quiet voice" or "in a soft voice" in English. It is often used to describe speaking in a hushed or confidential manner.

Is 'sotto voce' a Latin word?

No, the word 'sotto voce' isn't part of the ancient, classical Latin vocabulary. Instead, the phrase is Italian. The English meaning of the Italian musical phrase is 'under voice', or in a very low tone.

What is 'Has no voice' in Italian?

è senza voce

What is the English translation of the Italian 'sottovoce'?

"Quietly" is an English equivalent of the Italian word sottovoce.Specifically, the Italian word is an adverb. It is formed from the adverb/preposition sotto ("below, under") and the feminine noun voce ("voice"). The pronunciation is "SOHT-toh-VOH-tcheh."