"What a beautiful party!" is one literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase Che bella festa! The pronunciation of the feminine singular phrase will be "key* BEL-la FEH-sta" in Italian.
*The sound is similar to that in the English exclamation "Hey!"
festa in pigiama
la festa dell'anatra
"Valentine's Day" in English is Festa di San Valentino in Italian.
Such a beautiful feast is an English equivalent of 'festa così bella'. The feminine noun 'festa' means 'birthday, feast, holiday, party'. All together, they're pronounced 'FEH-stah koh-SEE BEHL-lah'.
"Party boat" in English is festa in barca in Italian.
Cara bella madre is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "dear, beautiful mother." The feminine singular phrase may be used in conversation as direct address and in correspondence as informal salutation. The pronunciation will be "KA-ra BEL-la MA-drey" in Pisan Italian.
Festa del papà is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Father's Day." The prepositional phrase translates literally as "festival of the daddy" in English. The pronunciation will be "FEY-sta del pa-PA" in Pisan Italian.
Festa socially, parte contractually, and partitopolitically are Italian equivalents of the English word "party." Context determines whether a social gathering (case 1), a legal dispute (example 2) or a political party (instance 3) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "FEH-sta,"PAR-tey," and "par-TEE-to" in Italian.
'You're invited to an Italian dinner party' in English means Siete invitati ad una cena con italiana con ospiti in Italian.
Festa del Ringraziamento is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Thanksgiving holiday." The prepositional phrase also translates as "celebration of (the) Thanksgiving." The pronunciation will be "FEH-sta del reen-GRA-tsya-MEN-to" in Italian.
Festa di Natale is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Christmas festival." The prepositional phrase translates literally as "celebration (feast, festival, holiday) of Christmas" in English. The pronunciation will be "FEH-sta dee na-TA-ley" in Italian.