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Q: What impact do you think the trial has on junior high students who attend?
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How many students attend university in Australia?

I think around 20-30% attend university.

Can part time students play sports at a junior college?

It really depends on what college it is? But for most colleges, I think the answer is no.

How can you present your school as an excellent?

High exam results! Also, how many students attend, if there are good facilities (computer labs, cafeterias, how many toilets etc) and what students think of the school.

Why students attend university?

For me, I think that people attend university because their goal.some people think that if they graduate from university they can get good job.So they can earn some money for provide to their family. Other thing their think that, when they leave from university they can help their country to develop. All in all for Money.

Should students chose to not attend school?

Students should attend school no matter what to get an education because 75% of prison inmates are dropouts and students that have graduated can make 10,000 dollars more a year than ones that didnt. And I think you need an education you can't even spell choose right, I'm a grammar nazi sorry

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students listen to other media while listening to music

Finding Student Loans in Unusual Places?

When apply for student loans, students usually think of the FAFSA. The FAFSA is not the only way students can apply for student loans. In fact, some students are denied loan money by sending in a FAFSA application. For these students, applying for student loans online can provide them with an opportunity to attend the college of their dreams.

How old is a junior?

The age of a junior is round about the ages of 9,10,11 but some people think older. The age of a junior is round about the ages of 9,10,11 but some people think older.

What show was super junior on when they played the card kissing game?

Super Junior Mini Drama i think.

How do drugs impact elementary students' brains?

Yes. It makes children think it is right whatever their parents do (which is stupid becaues they're doing drugs.). So yes, it does.

Is Bella a fresh man in twilight?

no she is not i think she is junior

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No I think he came out as a junior