He may be trying to find out what you know about sex and trying to understand if you are involved with someone sexually. If you are not happy with it then tell him so or tell your mom.
I would love to answer this question however I have never had sex with your dad try asking someone else in your area
are you insane? asking questions like this
why do you care. and she is a virgin. #1 her dad would kill her if she had sex. and what she does is her business so you people need to stop asking questions like that! Why would it matter if she did? itz her life so stay out of it. If she wanted one of her fanz to know that then she would make it freakin happen. So stop asking annoying questions like that! GROW UP AND GET LIFEZ!
No.. you gotta be having sex to have a child of either sex.. if your asking stupid questions like this on the computer.. you ain't getting any!!
It depends on how you define sleep, the age of the child, and the duration. If you are asking is it appropriate to sleep next to your dad, then it is usually OK if it is a temporary thing. For instance if your family goes on vacation it is fine to sleep in the same bed as your dad. But children are not supposed to sleep in the bed with their parents long term because it can hinder the child's development. If you are asking is it appropriate to have sex with your dad, then no. It is not ever considered appropriate for a parent to have sex with their child.
ummmmm........ da! of course you can. if you are asking questions like this you dont need to be having sex at all.
How are you posing this questions. Do you mean, what is being sworn off sex? Celibacy. Are you asking, what is it like to be sworn off sex? That would depend on how must self control you have. Also on if you believe in masturbation. Are you asking everyone personally if they are sworn off? I am not, many how ever are.
have sex with.
That isn't exactly the type of question that WikiAnswers is for. WikiAnswers is for questions asking for information, not TELLING someone something and asking if they know it. Also questions are not to be directed to any particular person.
This Question makes no scene at all, learn the English language before asking stupid questions, you egg.
If you have a good reason for asking, it's probably not rude. "Old" person? over 80 is old to me and those folks are usually proud that they've made it that far and don't mind answering. Between 25 and 80 folks can get sensitive about it. That's probably because they don't like to think of themselves as "getting older", just "getting wiser". Don't go there unless you know the person well or have a very good reason for asking. most people say it is rude to ask someone older than you of their age, but i think otherwise. it wouldn't be rude at all if you asked him/her with respect...
Sex--- with Mom and Dad - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M