

Best Answer

The classifications are indicated below.

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

The classifications are indicated below.

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

The classifications are indicated below.

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

The classifications are indicated below.

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

The classifications are indicated below.

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

The classifications are indicated below.

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

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The classifications are indicated below.

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

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Q: What grade level would you be in college with 60 completed units?
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What person has the most college units completed in the world Who holds the record?

225 Semester units is the most I know of.

What is the most college units completed in a single year?

John Kent completed 88 units during his freshman year in 2006/2007 at American River College while mantaining a 3.5 GPA. His schedual included a fall semester of 28 units, a spring semester of 41 units and a summer session of 19 units.

What is the simplest definition of Equivalent Units?

in completed units converted into completed units

How many credits does financial aid consider for each grade?

• 0-23 units = first year or freshman level• 24-47 units = second year or sophomore level• 48-71 units = third year or junior level• 72-95 units = fourth year or senior level• 96+ units = fifth year or fifth year senior level

Can continuing education courses be used for college credit?

Typically, continuing education units are not equivalent to college level credits.

What is my college level with 83 hours?

It depends on the total number of units. 83 hours isn’t much and if I figured this correctly you have about 20 units which puts you as a freshman or year one of college.

Can you apply for a college in the ninth grade?

No. The only way they would look over your application is if you have shown yourself to be a exceptional student with a very high IQ. You would have to have completed all the requirements for college and high school units needed for college entrance, maintained a high GPA, passed all the testing in the upper tiers, and done community service as well. Only, then would you be considered by any college that is a good college. By the way it is not free to apply to colleges and requires your school and teachers to write letters in your favor.

What does E mean on college transcript?

It depends where it is listed. If it is listed under "Grade", it probably means you failed that class (some colleges use 'E' instead of 'F'). If it is listed under "Repeat (excluded from GPA)", it means that you have repeated that class and the grade is not used in your GPA calculation (the better grade is used).

What is the average GPA at university of Oregon?

On the University of Oregon's website it list a GPA of 3.25 as a GPA that will give you a guaranteed admission if you also have completed the 16 college preparatory units.

What is meant by the term equivalent units of production when the weighted-average method is used?

Is the number of units transferred to the next department added to the equivalent units (product of number of partially completed units and % completed of thoses units with respect to the processing in the department) in the departments ending work in process inventory.

Can a certificate program be counted as college credit?

If the courses taken within that certificate program where assigned college credit, then yes. Then it would depend on how many of those credits fit into a particular program of study. If the courses you completed where non-credit or what is referred to as continuing education units (CEU), then no they would not be applied the a degree program.If the courses taken within that certificate program where assigned college credit, then yes. Then it would depend on how many of those credits fit into a particular program of study. If the courses you completed where non-credit or what is referred to as continuing education units (CEU), then no they would not be applied the a degree program.If the courses taken within that certificate program where assigned college credit, then yes. Then it would depend on how many of those credits fit into a particular program of study. If the courses you completed where non-credit or what is referred to as continuing education units (CEU), then no they would not be applied the a degree program.If the courses taken within that certificate program where assigned college credit, then yes. Then it would depend on how many of those credits fit into a particular program of study. If the courses you completed where non-credit or what is referred to as continuing education units (CEU), then no they would not be applied the a degree program.If the courses taken within that certificate program where assigned college credit, then yes. Then it would depend on how many of those credits fit into a particular program of study. If the courses you completed where non-credit or what is referred to as continuing education units (CEU), then no they would not be applied the a degree program.If the courses taken within that certificate program where assigned college credit, then yes. Then it would depend on how many of those credits fit into a particular program of study. If the courses you completed where non-credit or what is referred to as continuing education units (CEU), then no they would not be applied the a degree program.

What are the course requirements for each grade?

In middle school you must successfully complete 3 years each of: Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts in order to transition to 9th grade.Course requirements for collage are six course units in language, including four units in English emphasizing grammar, composition, and literature, and two units of a language other than English.Four course units of mathematics, in any of the following combinations: algebra I and II, geometry, and one unit beyond algebra II, algebra I and II, and two units beyond algebra II, or integrated math I, II, and III, and one unit beyond integrated math III. It is recommended that prospective students take a mathematics course unit in the twelfth grade. Three course units in science, including at least one unit in a life or biological science (for example, biology), at least one unit in physical science (for example, physical science, chemistry, physics), and at least one laboratory course. Two course units in social studies, including one unit in U.S. history, but an applicant who does not have the unit in U.S. history may be admitted on the condition that at least three semester hours in that subject will be passed by the end of the sophomore year. Each college and school has established a program of requirements for the degree, which may be in addition to those of a field of concentration. These requirements may include (1) preparatory subject requirements for admission; (2) preparatory college-level courses for your particular field of study-to be completed, if possible, during your early period of residency in the college or school, or in some cases before entrance; (3) breadth requirements, courses outside the field of study, considered essential to a well-rounded curriculum; (4) the credit requirement, which is the total number of units to be completed, with specifications of how these credits are to be distributed; and (5) a minimum scholarship requirement. For detailed information, you should obtain a copy of the announcement of your college or school. If you fail to maintain the minimum grade-point average prescribed by your college or school, you will normally be dismissed or put on probation. Since scholarship rules are applied only at the close of regular sessions, grade points that you earn in a University of California summer session or by removing an Incomplete grade are not taken into consideration until the close of your next semester of attendance.After you have completed 90 units toward the bachelor's degree, you must complete at least 24 of the remaining units in residence in no fewer than two semesters in the college or school of the University in which you will take your degree. You must begin these final 24 units in the semester in which you exceed 90 units. You should consult the announcement of your college or school for details concerning the Senior Residence Requirement as it pertains to the summer session. Every student must select a field of concentration and pursue a major or curriculum, normally by taking a minimum number of units in one department or school. Occasionally-as with business administration and others-the school and the department are synonymous. In some cases a major may embrace more than one department, as with the interdisciplinary studies field major in the College of Letters and Science. Major requirements that must be fulfilled before you may receive a baccalaureate degree are outlined in each department in the "Courses and Curricula" section of this catalog. See also your department adviser.