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now i am not an expert, but i read alot about the subject for my pregnant friend who now has a beautiful healthy boy.

well, foods to be avoided are: anything containing raw eggs, like mayonaise, and Cesar dressing, canned tune, soft creamy cheese, smoked food for the amount of carbon in it.

drinks: cafinated drinks, alchoholic drinks.

also try avoiding faty foods, and sugary foods, cos a pregnant woman gains weight naturally, so stay healthy, and maintain a healthy diet, to avoid getting really fat.

i hope this helps, and good luck.

also read more about this on line, try a site named baby center:

again, i am not speaking from experience, or an expert, i just read about this.

best thing to do is ask your doctor.

good luck again.

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Raw seafood, eggs, chicken and meat. Salmonella can in worst scenario make you loose the baby and even kill you.

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Q: What foods should you avoid if you want to get pregnant?
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