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The ovary, holds the females eggs.

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Q: What female structure holds the eggs?
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What holds the eggs and the female sex hormone?

Ovaries hold the eggs.

What organ holds the eggs in a female frog?


Where are female eggs inside of the body?

in plants: the ovary holds the ovule which holds the archegonium (egg)

Which female structure produces the eggs?

Fallopian tube

What structure produces eggs in female frogs?

The ovaries in a frog produce the eggs

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Is the embryo sac male or female?

The embryo sac is female, as it is the structure within the ovule of a flowering plant that contains the female reproductive cells (eggs).

What is an ovipositor?

An ovipositor is a tube-like organ that some female insects use to lay their eggs. It is typically located at the end of the abdomen and is used to deposit eggs into a suitable environment for development.

What eats platypus eggs?

Pythons and goannas eat platypus eggs. The female platypus will actually place earthen plugs along the length of her burrow before the chamber which holds the eggs, in order to deter such predators.

What is the reproductive structure of gymnosperm called?

The reproductive structure of a gymnosperm is the cone. The cone produces pollen or sperm cells that will later on fertilize a female plants eggs or anthers

Which reproductive structure releases egg cells?

Eggs, or ova, are released from the female ovaries.

What is the function of an ovipositor?

An ovipositor is a tube-like structure that female insects use to lay eggs. It allows them to deposit their eggs securely in a suitable location, such as within or on a host organism or in a protected environment.