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Q: What famous people were in a Head Start program?
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What government program was created in 1965 to help preschool aged children?

The Head Start program was created in 1965.

What is the head start?

The Head Start program is a federal program in the United States for children in low-income families.

How was the head start program created?

The Head Start program is a federal program in the United States for children in low-income families.

What is Head Start?

The Head Start program is a federal program in the United States for children in low-income families.

What are some of the measures that the Head Start Program in the United States has introduced?

The Head Start Program was set up by the US Department of Health and Human Services to provide education, health, and parental help for people of lower income.

Who started the head start program?

The Head Start program was founded in 1965 by Jule Sugarman, at the behest of then-president Lyndon Johnson.

Did John F Kennedy start the Head Start program?

No, Head Start was started under President Lyndon B. Johnson.

What is the branch of government that is involved with Head Start?

You can call or visit your local Head Start program or go to the Related Link.

What is program heading?

The Head Start program is a federal program in the United States for children in low-income families.

Which welfare program provided preschool-aged children a government subsidized education?

Head Start was designed to help students who needed preschool skills.

Which antipoverty program is a preschool education program for children from low income families?

Head Start was created to help children develop preschool skills.

What are some reviews on National Head start Association?

Overall, the program seems fairly positive. However, each Head Start location is unique and results may vary. One of the best outcomes of the Head Start program reviews indicated that children from the Head Start program are significantly less likely to repeat a grade later on in school. However, there are some criticisms that resulted from the Head Start program review including plans to improve certain program services like serving children that are above and below the preschool age. It's probably best to find a nearby Head Start location and do some research. This tool should be able to help you find one: