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Q: What elementary school did professor Louis grant went to?
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What is the birth date of Professor Louis Grant?

Professor Louis Grant died in 1993

When did Professor Louis Grant die?

Professor Louis Grant died in 1993

What was professor Louis grant mos famous invention and in what year was it done?

Professor Louis Grant's most famous invention was the telephone, which he invented in 1876.

Who is Professor Louis Grant?

A microbiologist, medical doctor and pathologist, Prof. Louis Grant was born in Clarendon, Jamaica.Dr. Grant became a professor of microbiology at the History_on_Louis_grantof the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica.

What year did professor Louis grant die?

in the year 199notyet:p

Where and when was Professor Louis Grant born?

he was born in jamaica in 1960

Who is jamaicans greatest scietist?

It seems that opinion has Professor Louis Grant as Jamaicas greatest scientist.

What was Ulysses Grant's childhood education?

He went to elementary school at his hometown of Georgetown, Ohio.

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When was Grant's Lick Elementary created?

Grant's Lick Elementary was created in 1935.

What grant for education are available for elementary schools in Texas?

The state of Texas has an educational grant program. You should call the department of education and ask for information. There are national elementary school grants available as well.

What elementary school did Ulysses S. Grant attended?

So how do we suposed to know when nobody answered