Farmers = Agricolae
Equum donaverunt agricolae bonō.
Argicola, agricolae, feminine, a first declension noun.
Veritas in Latin means "truth", and villa means "farmhouse" or "country estate".
Villa agricolarum in insula est.
The Latin word agricola means "farmer" in English. To say farmers (as in the plural form) you add -ae to agricol. So, to say farmers you say "agricolae."
"Roman farmers prepare many wagons" and "The Roman farmers provide many wagons" are English equivalents of the Latin phrase Agricolae Romani multos carros parant. Context makes clear which form suits since Latin employs no definite articles. The pronunciation will be "a-GREE-ko-leye ro-MA-nee MOOL-tos KAR-ros PA-rant" in Church and classical Latin.
Villa.If you meant the English meaning of the Latin word villa, it would be 'farmhouse' or 'country house.'
The word "villa" originated from Latin.
From the Latin 'villa' meaning large country house