Translation: Pull the trigger
The word does not exist in spanish, but i have a vauge idea of the word you are looking for and if it is that it is not a nice word and putting the answer up would trigger the dingbot.
The French to English translation for the word 'detente' is 'relaxation'. The word can also mean lessening, thaw, or trigger. There is also a detente in Spanish, which can mean detain, arrest, or restrain.
The trigger was Columbus' discovery of America while in the service of the Spanish monarchs and the subsequent discovery that there was gold to be had there.
it means turning it on
You mean a lever or a trigger? a lever is a doodad and you can build it from the doodad builder in map editor. same with the trigger but the trigger isn't a doodad and you need to set it in the trigger editor
One shot for each pull of the trigger. The trigger does not cock the hammer.
the trigger of a trap.
what does domino mean in spanish
Antonia in spanish mean Flower or Flor in spanish
pensar = to think