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I think you mean "Ars longa, vita brevis," or "Art (is) long, life short."

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Q: What does this mean vita est Laroque brevis?
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How do you translate life is short and death is long in Latin?

Vita est brevis(Life is short)et(and)mors est dui.(Death is Long.)Vita est brevis et mors est dui.(Life is short and death is long.)(Longus is the Latin word for "Long" in Length, but I chose "Dui" which means, "for a long time.")

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"Life's too short" can be translated as "Vita nimis brevis est" in Latin. "Be yourself" can be translated as "Esto tu ipse" in Latin.

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"vita Est quoque brevis" which means life is too short to live with regret in Latin. I like it, its really smart!!

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dum vita est spes est

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Haec vita mea est - This is my life. Bellum pace tua est peccatum - War from your peace is a sin.

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Vita est brevis life is short ars longa art long (here and in the rest of the phrase, "est," 3rd singular person active form of the verb to be, is carried from the previous part to the rest so to mean "art IS long") vicis volatilis change swift, change is swift experiment proditus ratio difficilis (here "experiment" should probably read "experimentUM" to make any sense, since "experiment" is not declined.) If so,: "experience having being put forth consideration is difficult" Hope this helps.

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Life is beauty

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Aqua vita est.

Can someone translate This is Life on latin?

haec vita est

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"life is good for you"