The white collar hoax is part of the Neo-Tech idea system developed by Frank R Wallace beginning in 1986. The Neo-Tech idea system points out a number of very important fallacies common in our society, one such fallacy is "the white collar hoax". The essence of business is integrated thinking - connecting all of the the facets of business that drive the business forward toward profits and viability. To develop a business or forge the way into a new industry requires a tremendous number of integrated thoughts - this is the work of the entrepreneur. However, once the business structure has been established and worked out by the entrepreneur, a cleaver fellow will see a short-cut to wealth: delegate responsibilities and use social manipulations to rise to a position of importance, leveraging the past integrations of the original entrepreneur. Such a person is a white-collar hoaxer. He has not done the integrated thinking required to add value to the company, he pushes off those nitty-gritty details to the lower level employees through delegation. Many CEOs and "Executive Managers" do nothing to drive the business forward, only achieving importance by approving or rejecting the hard-work mental integrations done by those who report to them. They act as a road block to success, and the skilled hard workers hit a type of ceiling where progress is shunted. This process is perpetuated by specialization, the fallacy that the labor must be divided by type - thus engineers have no sense of marketing, hr is unrelated to customer service. Specialization ensures that the hard working blue-collar employee will never be able to leave the company and start his own company - carrying with him all mental integrations necessary to succeed - in this way he is held in a position of stagnation while the do-nothing white-collar hoaxers reap huge salaries paid for by his hard work, while he is simply paid his working wage. The white-collar hoax is strongly supported by "political entrepreneurs" - people who seek to use government force, in the form of regulations and subsidies, to enhance their competitive position, and many white-collar hoaxers reach their positions by demonstrating their ability to navigate the corruption that increases with higher positions of power and authority present in the United States at the time of this writing (Nov-2008). The personal solution to the white collar hoax is to realize that specialization is a trap perpetuated by people who seek to usurp unearned values and "live the the easy life" by capitalizing on the hard-work efforts of as many working class people as they can. The global solution to the white collar hoax is to remove the corrupt silver-tongued politicians from office. And that starts by establishing the basic principle of government as the protection of the civil, property, and contract rights of every individual. more information here: The white collar hoax is part of the Neo-Tech idea system developed by Frank R Wallace beginning in 1986. The Neo-Tech idea system points out a number of very important fallacies common in our society, one such fallacy is "the white collar hoax". The essence of business is integrated thinking - connecting all of the the facets of business that drive the business forward toward profits and viability. To develop a business or forge the way into a new industry requires a tremendous number of integrated thoughts - this is the work of the entrepreneur. However, once the business structure has been established and worked out by the entrepreneur, a cleaver fellow will see a short-cut to wealth: delegate responsibilities and use social manipulations to rise to a position of importance, leveraging the past integrations of the original entrepreneur. Such a person is a white-collar hoaxer. He has not done the integrated thinking required to add value to the company, he pushes off those nitty-gritty details to the lower level employees through delegation. Many CEOs and "Executive Managers" do nothing to drive the business forward, only achieving importance by approving or rejecting the hard-work mental integrations done by those who report to them. They act as a road block to success, and the skilled hard workers hit a type of ceiling where progress is shunted. This process is perpetuated by specialization, the fallacy that the labor must be divided by type - thus engineers have no sense of marketing, hr is unrelated to customer service. Specialization ensures that the hard working blue-collar employee will never be able to leave the company and start his own company - carrying with him all mental integrations necessary to succeed - in this way he is held in a position of stagnation while the do-nothing white-collar hoaxers reap huge salaries paid for by his hard work, while he is simply paid his working wage. The white-collar hoax is strongly supported by "political entrepreneurs" - people who seek to use government force, in the form of regulations and subsidies, to enhance their competitive position, and many white-collar hoaxers reach their positions by demonstrating their ability to navigate the corruption that increases with higher positions of power and authority present in the United States at the time of this writing (Nov-2008). The personal solution to the white collar hoax is to realize that specialization is a trap perpetuated by people who seek to usurp unearned values and "live the the easy life" by capitalizing on the hard-work efforts of as many working class people as they can. The global solution to the white collar hoax is to remove the corrupt silver-tongued politicians from office. And that starts by establishing the basic principle of government as the protection of the civil, property, and contract rights of every individual. more information here:
Edwin Sutherland in 1939
It described the clothes middle class workers wore.
The term "white-collar crime" was coined by sociologist Edwin Sutherland at a speech to the American Sociological Association in 1939. He defined it as non-violent crimes committed by individuals or corporations in positions of trust or authority for financial gain.
White collar workers were more likely to be longer term employees with seniority and accrued benefits vs. hourly/labor employees receiving no such vacation from the union hall.
I think you are referring to "white collar crime" but it has nothing whatsoever to do with their social status. A low-level clerk or accountant in a business can commit white collar crime just as easy as the CEO.
White collar crimes
No. Both words are synonyms. True Hoax would be an oxymoron.
Yes. Trades are considered blue collar even when the worker is highly skilled. Office workers are considered white collar, and a new term, green collar, refers to those employed in either office or trades in an ecological endeavor.
White collar crime
One term is white collar worker.
Another term for a cone used for cats is an "Elizabethan collar" or "E-collar."
The phrase "white-collar crime" was coined in 1939 during a speech given by Edwin Sutherland to the American Sociological Society. Sutherland defined the term as "crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.