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Xander Villanueva

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Q: What does the shield of exellence 10 from studyladder look like?
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Why are shield volcanoes named shield volcanoes?

Because if you look at them from above, they look like a warrior's shield.

What does a dragon fire shield look like?

A dragon fire shield kinda looks like a square shield but it is orange and has a dragon on it.

What does Athena's shield look like?

Her shield was gold and had the face of Medusa the Gorgon.

What do windscreen wipers look like?

like wind shield wipers

What did a spartan look like?

a spartan had a helmet a shield and a spear

What does Black Horse's shield look like?

It's light brown with gold

What did Athena Greek goddess look like?

She wearing a helmet and holding a shield.

These volcanoes look like a Roman shield since they are large and dome shaped?

Yes, some volcanoes have a shape called a shield volcano, which is broad and gently sloping with a dome-like structure. This shape is formed by the lava flows spreading outwards rather than erupting explosively. Examples of shield volcanoes include Mauna Loa in Hawaii and Mount Etna in Italy.

What does the newest penny look like?

It looks just like the 2010 but with a 2011 date, the Union Shield reverse is permanent.

What will a 2011 penny look like?

It looks just like the 2010 but with a 2011 date, the Union Shield reverse is permanent.

What do 2 cent pennies look like?

U.S. 2 cent coins have a large numeral 2 on the face framed by a wreath of wheat. On the back is the U.S. shield (not the eagle shield, a shield looking shield with vertical stripes) below a banner saying "In God We Trust"

Why is Mauna Loa a shield volcano?

Yes. Mount Kilauea is a shield volcano. If you look at Mt. Kilauea at an angle, it will look like a big cone.