It depends on how you use it. E.G:
'O que é isto?' means 'What is this?', so 'que' means 'what'.
'Antes isto que nada' means 'Better this than nothing', so 'que' means 'than'.
'Digo que tem razão' means 'I say that you're right', so 'que' means 'that'.
Anyway, 'that' is much more used in reference to 'aquilo', 'aquele' or 'aquela', and sometimes it can also mean 'que'. Bear in mind that 'que' is a noun, so it can be used in many perspectives and meanings.
I didn't know you speak portuguesenao sabia que voce fala portugues is actually badly structured, the correct way is 'não sabia que você falava português', and this means 'I didn't know you spoke portuguese'.
A un comerciante portugues le preguntarias Como esta usted? si no hablas bien portugues, y Como esta o senhor? si lo hablas bien.
" quel" <-- There is no such word in Spanish!., do you mean "que"? - "que" is "what".
The Spanish word Que? means What? in English
Please, write to me.
"Que está pasando?" ?Que pasa?
it means: what
"What", or "That".
"Que veut dire le mot" is French for "What does the word mean?" It is a question asking for the definition or explanation of a specific word.
Que tal? is si,ilar to "How's it going?".