gates of the havens
The name "Ryan" in romaji would be written as "Raian."
Jeonsa Raian - 1997 is rated/received certificates of: South Korea:All
Nick is not an Arabic name (It is a form of the Greek name Nikolaos - Νικολαος), so it has no meaning in Arabic. The Arabic equivalent for Nicholas in Arabic is: Nequlaa (نقولا‎)
Tamina is not an Arabic name , it's Persian
it is a name in Arabic
it mean tiger in Arabic
Ola in arabic means the summit, high, or success. It has corressponding meanings to the arabic name Ali.
It's an English Name, it doesn't have meaning in Arabic. it written as : بنجامين
Yara in Arabic means "butterfly."
tamina isn't Arabic, its Persian
i dnt think that's Arabic ... and im Arabic by the way