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It means your computer has crashed and is caused by current microprocessor technology being in the early stages of development. Current experts expect this problem to disappear in about 10 - 25 years. Seriously many tens of thousands of things could have caused the problem in the first place - a single cause would be impossible to determine.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Null pointer assignment is a runtime error. It most often occurs when you attempt to assign a value to the NULL address (hence the name of the error) but it can also occur whenever you attempt to assign a value to an address that does not belong to your process. For example:

void f (int* p) {

*p = 42;

// ...


The above function is unsafe because it assumes ptr always refers to a valid address. As a result, the following will cause a null pointer assignment error:

f (NULL); // error!

Or, more subtly:

void g (int* p) {

f (p); // p could be valid, but it could also be NULL or even uninitialised!

// ...


To avoid null pointer assignments, always initialise your pointers with a valid address. If you have no suitable address to initialise with, initialise with the NULL address:

int* ptr = NULL;

Every time your code changes the address assigned to a pointer, the onus is upon your code to ensure the validity of that address. If done consistently, any code that assigns through a potentially NULL address can use a simple assertion:

void f (int* p) {

assert (p != NULL);

*p = 42;

// ...


In this way you can catch and eliminate null pointer assignments in debug builds (when NDEBUG is not defined) without paying the cost of runtime testing in release builds (when NDEBUG is defined).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Null pointer assignment means assigning a value to 0th location or accessing 0th location which is run time error should be avoided.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It means that you haven't initialized the pointer or the object it points does not exist any more or not accessible.

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What is null pointer assignment?

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The null pointer assignment error means your program has attempted to access a memory address that does not belong to your program. This typically occurs when accessing memory indirectly through a pointer: int* p = nullptr; *p = 42; // Error: null pointer assignment The above is the classic example of this type of error. The null address is typically the all-zeroes address (0x0) but, regardless of the physical address, it must never be accessed because it is a system address. We typically refer pointers to the null address when they are no longer in use or we don't have an address we can (yet) assign to them. Passing unchecked pointers to functions is another common cause: void f (int* p) { *p = 42; // potential error // ... } In the above example there's no guarantee p refers to a non-system address. Although we can easily test p is non-null before accessing it, that won't guarantee p refers to a non-system address. However, we can greatly reduce the risk of error by passing memory address via references instead of pointers: void f (int& r) { r = 42; // ... } There's still potential that r refers to a system address if the address were passed via a pointer, however there is seldom any need to use unchecked pointer variables in C++. References and resource handles (or smart pointers) eliminate the need for pointers and are actually more efficient than pointers because testing for null becomes largely redundant. The only time we really need a pointer is when "no object" is a valid argument: void f (int* p) { if (p == nullptr) { // the "no object" code } else { // code that operates on an object } }

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