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Buenos dientes means 'good teeth'.

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Q: What does the Spanish phrase beunos dientes mean?
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What does los dientes mean?

Los dientes means "the teeth" in Spanish.

What does diente mean Spanish to English?

Spanish to English, diente means tooth. The plural form, teeth, is dientes in Spanish.

What does cepillo mean in spanish?

You could say, "Hace una hora que me cepillé los dientes." This literally means "It makes an hour that I brushed my teeth." There's no direct translation for the word "ago" in Spanish. Also, in Spanish when referring to parts of your body, the word "the" is used instead of "my." In this example we say "los dientes" (the teeth) instead of "mis dientes" (my teeth.)

What do dientes mean in English?

"Dientes" means "teeth" in English.

What does los dientes mean in English?

"Los dientes" means "teeth" in English.

What does beunos noche el mundo mean?

It means "Goodnight everybody"

What does el cepillo de dientes mean in English?

The toothbrush

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I will assume you mean "What is 'can you write in Spanish?' translated into Spanish". The phrase in Spanish is "¿Puedes escribir en español?".

What does tientes mean in spanish?

"Tientes" does not have a direct translation in Spanish. It may be a misspelling or a word from a different language. If you provide more context, I can help determine the meaning.

What does dientes de ajo mean in English?

I believe it is cloves of garlic.

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"Duos moor" is not a phrase in Spanish. It may be a misspelling or an incorrect phrase. Can you provide more context or clarification?