Ex Cathedra was created in 1969 by Jeffrey Skidmore in Birmingham, England.
Ex Cathedra - film - was created in 2010.
The duration of Ex Cathedra - film - is 1.88 hours.
I think you mean ex post facto, which is latin for "after the fact" I think you mean ex post facto, which is latin for "after the fact"
It all depends on what you really mean by "construct." Latin words that mean " to build" include aedificare, (ex)struere, construere ( from which our word construct derives) and condere. Words meaning "to make" are facere and fabricare.
the truth from science
Mens; animus.
This can mean one of two things: ex work - your last job ex work - from work (ex is a Latin word meaning from)
This can mean one of two things: ex work - your last job ex work - from work (ex is a Latin word meaning from)
its actually latin. the latin root imag means likeness. EX; imagine, imagination
This can mean one of two things: ex work - your last job ex work - from work (ex is a Latin word meaning from)
---- The Pope, in tradition, supposedly has jurisdiction over the entire Christian Church, Faith, and beliefs. The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, and even the whole Christian Faith (Catholicism, Protestantism/Reformation, Anglican, Baptist, etc.) The Pope also has authority with Ex-Cathedra (Latin, from the chair). During the time of Ex-Cathedra, in which the Pope is believed to be in unity with the Holy Spirit (and infallible), he is able to execute and make official new beliefs and dogma. ---- (WordAmongWords)