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It refers to the story from the Torah about the Hebrews being enslaved in Egypt. The Hebrew people were also called the Nation of Israel.

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Q: What does the Hebrew reference Israel in Egypts land' mean?
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What are the phrases for Israel the Land and Israel the People?

In Hebrew, Israel the land is "Israel - ישראל", Israel the people are "Israelim ישראלים" means Israelis.

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Israel; in Hebrew, Eretz Israel.

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Where is the land of Hebrew people?

It is Israel, located in the Middle East.

How do you say holy land country of israel in Hebrew?

holy land = eretz ha-kodesh country of Israel = medinat Yisra'el

What area were the Hebrew people natives of?

They were (and still are) natives of the land of Israel.

What does Ha'aretz mean in Hebrew?

Translation: The Land/NationHowever, this term is typically used to refer specifically to the "Land of Israel".

Why did the Hebrew people have to move to Egypt?

Because famine hit the land of Israel

What is the land called by the Hebrews?

If you are asking for the Hebrew word for "the land", it's ha-arets (הארץ) If you are asking for the name of the Hebrews' land, it's Israel.

What is the land located within the fertile crescent that became the home of the Hebrew people?

The land of Israel (ישראל)

Where did Hebrew civilization originate?

It originated as a distinct civilization in the land of Israel, around 2000 BCE.