its a greek letter Z,ζ
also its a female name Zέτα (Ζeta) here e is pronunced as in exit
The opposite of alpha in the Greek alphabet is omega. Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
Alpha Zeta was created on 1897-11-04.
It is the first letter of the spelled words of the Greek alphabet in order: alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa
Alpha Lambda Zeta was created on 2006-01-09.
Alpha Zeta Omega was created on 1919-12-19.
Zeta Tau Alpha was created on 1898-10-15.
Alpha Epsilon Zeta was created on 2003-02-19.
Gamma Zeta Alpha was created on 1987-12-03.
Zeta love and mine. Members of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority may sign a letter saying ZLAM!!!
Gamma Zeta Alpha's motto is ''Cultivating Leaders, Strengthening Communities''.
The motto of Alpha Lambda Zeta is 'Regal Womyn of Strength, Style and Versatility'.
The founder of Zeta Epsilon Alpha Lambda is Elbert Kim Hobart he is the Law prof. of Oxford University.