Should be 'Tá scamaill sa spéir agus tá sé ag titim' which translates as
'There are clouds in the sky and it is falling'.
In an-nim on ah-hur og-gus on vic og-gus on spir-id neev
African Spir died on 1890-03-26.
African Spir was born on 1837-11-10.
The medical terminology combining form "spir-" pertains to the act of breathing or respiration. It is often used in terms related to the lungs or breathing processes.
it means life and breath. dont mix it with bio because they are different
In poetry as in anything else, the word part spir is often derived from the Latin spiritus, which means breath or life force. It is found in such words as respiration, conspire, spirit, inspired, and perspire.
Spir means life or breath to BREATHE Some example sare respirator respiration
A few words that have "spir" in them are inspire, conspiracy, spiritual, and aspiration.
Two words that start with "spir" and are related to breath and being alive are "spirit" and "inspire." "Spirit" refers to the vital force within living beings, while "inspire" means to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something.
Blowing is one English equivalent of the Latin root 'spir-'. Breathing is another English equivalent. From the Latin root comes the Latin adjective 'spirabilis', which means 'that may be breathed' or 'able to breathe'. From it also come the Latin nouns 'spiraculum', 'spiramen', and 'spiramentum', which mean 'air hole'. Additionally, from it come the Latin noun 'spiritus', for 'breath, breathing, breeze'; and the Latin verb 'spiro spirare' for 'to blow, to breathe'.