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Depending on how it's used.

High (altitude, not a state of mind)

Stop (Command - Seen on stop signs on the roads in most of the Spanish speaking world)

El avióon esta volando muy alto. - The plane is flying very high.

¡Alto!. No se mueva. - Stop! Don't move.

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'alto' is Spanish for tall.... in Latin the word 'altus, a, um' means- high or deep.

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The tall

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Q: What does spanish word alto mean?
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What does the spanish word alto mean in English?

There are two common uses for "alto". The first is as the word "tall", i.e. Es un chico alto = He is a tall boy. The second is as the command for "stop!", i.e. "Alto! Camiones no pueden pasar. = Stop! Trucks cannot go through.

What is the word tall in spanish?


What does mean alto in spanish?

Los Altos means 'The heights' in Spanish.

What is the word 'stop' when translated from English to Spanish?

alto Alto is one form, used to mean "Halt." Parada is the term for a bus stop. Parar is "to stop" (also to stand)

What does alttius mean in English?

Alttius is a Latin word which means "Higher." It is related to the English word "Altitude" and the Spanish word "Alto" which means "high; tall"

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Spanish for Tall Tree

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What is alto in Spanish?

Alto = Tall

What does alto mean in latin?

A woman's or boy's singing voice lower than soprano. Also refers to a musical instrument, the alto saxophone. In Spanish, alto can mean both tall and stop.

Does Alta mean tall in Spanish?

''Alta'' does mean tall in Spanish but it depends whether if you a Male or a Female. Male - ''Alto'' Female - ''Alta''