Depending on how it's used.
High (altitude, not a state of mind)
Stop (Command - Seen on stop signs on the roads in most of the Spanish speaking world)
El avióon esta volando muy alto. - The plane is flying very high.
¡Alto!. No se mueva. - Stop! Don't move.
There are two common uses for "alto". The first is as the word "tall", i.e. Es un chico alto = He is a tall boy. The second is as the command for "stop!", i.e. "Alto! Camiones no pueden pasar. = Stop! Trucks cannot go through.
Los Altos means 'The heights' in Spanish.
alto Alto is one form, used to mean "Halt." Parada is the term for a bus stop. Parar is "to stop" (also to stand)
Alttius is a Latin word which means "Higher." It is related to the English word "Altitude" and the Spanish word "Alto" which means "high; tall"
Stop, my friend.
Spanish for Tall Tree
alto verde
Alto = Tall
A woman's or boy's singing voice lower than soprano. Also refers to a musical instrument, the alto saxophone. In Spanish, alto can mean both tall and stop.
''Alta'' does mean tall in Spanish but it depends whether if you a Male or a Female. Male - ''Alto'' Female - ''Alta''