Some of this is a bit ambiguous:
'sabes' means 'you know'; 'sabras', 'you will know'
'que tengo novia' - 'that I have a girlfriend/fiancee'
'cuestiones' could be (a) plural of 'cuestion' - question, matter, business; or (b) the 'you' (tu) part, present subjunctive of the verb 'cuestionar', 'to dispute, discuss, argue', meaning 'may/let you question etc.' or simply 'question! etc.'
'rito' = ritual,ceremony
'ahora' = 'now'.
Novia means 'new'.Novia is a star that is temporaily extremily bight.
Novia o amiga. Problamente novia.
"Ma petite amie" is French for "my girlfriend," while "novia" is Spanish for "girlfriend." Both phrases convey the same meaning in English.
I love my girlfriend.
The "soy" is not necessary in this sentence. "Necesito una novia" means I need a girlfiriend.
It means "Wedding Dress"
Vestidos de Novia is Spanish and translated to English it means wedding dresses. This means that Vestidos de Novia would be considered Spanish wedding dresses.
"Las cosa con mi novia" translates to "things with my girlfriend" in English.
"A mi novia" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "my girlfriend" in English. It is used to refer to the person who is in a romantic relationship with the speaker.
Spanish > English you are the best girlfriend
Girlfriend (as in couple) is "novia" pernounced: noh-via and girlfriend as in a girl as a friend is "amiga" pernounced: ah-me-gah