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Q: What does rare mean translated from Japanese to English?
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What is the Japanese word for unstoppable and how do you say it in English?

止められない is how you write it in Japanese "unstoppable" is how you say it in English "Tome rare nai" is how you say it in Japanese

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"Sehr selten" in English translates to "very rare."

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it means: "the rare one"

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shokora or chokore-to Chocolate originated in the Americas, so "chocolate" is a loanword in Japanese. チョコレート chokorēto, often abbreviated to just チョコ choko, is most commonly seen. 猪口冷糖 chokoreitou is the word phonetically adapted into kanji (Chinese characters), literally meaning "small cup, cold, sugar". This is rare however.

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'Mahal kita', meaning 'I love you' in Tagalog, would be translated as 愛してる (aishiteru) or 大好き (daisuki) in Japanese. 愛してるis a very rare phrase in Japanese, as the Japanese don't prefer to show their love rather than express it.

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Cirugia estetica is translated in Italian to mean a good feeling. The term estetica is the root word of an English word aesthetic which means a good feeling from getting a look at a rare art form or from listening to beautiful music.

What is 'with pleasure' when translated from English to Italian?

Con piacere is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "with pleasure." It models a rare instance where the phrase or sentence structure matches in English and Italian. The pronunciation will be "kon pya-TCHEY-tey" in Pisan Italian.

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In Cristo is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "in Christ." The masculine singular prepositional phrase models a rare instance in which English and Italian phrase or sentence structures match. The pronunciation will be "een KREE-sto" in Italian.

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Dhafer is a rare Arabic person name, the English equivalent in meaning is Victor.

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Hermaon is not a word in the English language. It is a family name, but it is very rare for someone to have it.

What does filiching mean?

"Filiching" is not a recognized term in English. It may be a misspelling or a rare, specialized term.