True love never dies
The Latin word for now is nunc
The Latin translation for "never forgotten" is "numquam obliti." In Latin, "numquam" means "never," and "obliti" means "forgotten." When combined, the phrase "numquam obliti" conveys the idea of something or someone that will always be remembered and not forgotten.
I love
The quote "nunc at numquam?", which means "now or never" in English, does not have a known author. It is a common Latin proverb.
Never is "numquam".
Personally, I am not familiar with the phrase "Trado-Modern" and could find only one reference to its use in reference to communications. See below link for further information.
Numquam cesseris
numquam sine
It is never too late to become the kind of person you could be.
"Numquam proelia derelinquam" in Latin translates to "I will never abandon the battle" in English. The phrase signifies a strong commitment to never giving up in the face of challenges or adversity. It conveys determination and resilience in the pursuit of one's goals or objectives.