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its not in latin its in spanish it means merry

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Felicem Diem Nativitatis Christi.

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Q: What does navidad mean in latin?
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Why does Spain say feliz navidad for merry Christmas?

Feliz Navidad is Spanish for Happy Christmas. 'Feliz' means happy and 'Navidad' means Christmas. They are closely connected to the original Latin words. The Latin phrase 'Felix felices' means happy, lucky or fortunate, and the word 'Navidad' has the Latin origin of 'nativitas', meaning birth, and which has come to mean the birth of Christ.

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It is philice navidad and it means merry Christmas in spanish

What does the phrase 'canciones navidad' mean?

One may relate the phrase "Felice Navidad" to this phrase "Canciones Navidad" but "Canciones Navidad" has much of an diffrent meaning. "Canciones Navidad" means "Christmas Song".

Does navidad mean nativity in spanish?

No, navidad is "christmas" nativity is "natividad"

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Directly translated, regalos de navidad means "Christmas Gifts". Navidad means Christmas, and regalos means gifts. If you ever want to remember Navidad - think of the song "Feliz Navidad" and that should help!

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Feliz Navidad- means Merry Christmas in spanish, or more literally, Happy Christmas

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Christmas bouqet

What does salvan la navidad mean in spanish?

Que la Navidad será posible después de que hubiera un gran problema.