It's a short form of asking someone's name (especially listener's), literally means 'name?'. Figuratively means 'what's your (or his/their/etc) name(s)?'.
Namae: name
wa: particle to point out 'subject', 'topic of the sentence' or 'emphasis'. Here it doesn't translate into anything.
namae WA is Japanese for what's your name
The Japanese phrase, '~desu WA' does not really mean anything; it is basically like an ending for a sentence that is not necessary. (Example: Watashi WA namae WA Keiichiro ~desu WA. [Translation: My name is Keiishiro.])
anata no namae WA nan desuka
in english, that would be: pleased to meet you, what is your name?
You would say, 'Ono namae wa?'
watashi wa namae wa inu desu
Hoteru no namae wa nanidesu ka?
Watashi no namae wa Bradley desu.
"Boku no WA namae Justin-kun desu" means "My name is Justin" and "Boku WA totemo ureshii watachtachi au desu" means "I am very happy we met."
ano hito WA nan degozaru ka? or, ano hito no namae WA nan desu ka?
"namae" if you are talking about your name ex:my name is~watashi no namae WA (your name) desu. "o namae" if its someone else's name ex:what is your name?~anata WA o namae nan desu ka?
"Sore WA ii namae desu". (Sore WA can be left out if you like.)