mazoltoff is the Yiddish pronunciation of the Hebrew words: mazal tov (מזל טוב) which means "congratulations"
Luis doesn't mean anything in Hebrew. Only Hebrew names have meaning in Hebrew.
What does WA mean in Hebrew and then what does WA mean in Tahitian
Yeshu (ישו) is a variation of the Hebrew word for deliverance.
batterton doesn't mean anything in Hebrew.
"nnyl" doesn't mean anything in Hebrew.
Serena doesn't mean anything in Hebrew. Only Hebrew names have meaning in Hebrew.
"rovaughn" has no meaning in Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word.
"abruba" has no meaning in Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word.
"tiaso" has no meaning in Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word.
"tarboh" has no meaningin Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word.
bayadwa has no meaning in Hebrew. It is not a Hebrew word.
"golodrinas" has no meaning in Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word.