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Q: What does legend (key) mean in social studies?
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What do you call a picture symbol in social studies?

A legend or key

What does the word key mean in social studies?

It's just mean code. Because the use word key when somaone need open something and if you do not have key or code, that mean you can open it. For example: your password, your ID,....

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key factor

What does legend or key mean?


What do mapmakers us a key to explain all the symbols used on map?

the key or legend, that is the technical term, tells you what each symbol on the map represents. the symbols can mean different things so check the key or legend for help knowing what the symbols mean.

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What is the importance of a legend or a key?

U use if the states or continents are colored so the legend tells you what the colors mean that's why the legend is important

What does a small blackened dot mean on a map?

Check the Legend or Key if it has it.

What does legend-key mean?

When some one has sex with one another

What does legend Key mean?

When some one has sex with one another

What part of a map contains information about the maps symbols?

The part of a map which explains its symbols are called legends/map symbols.

What represents the symbols on the map?

the key or legend, that is the technical term, tells you what each symbol on the map represents. the symbols can mean different things so check the key or legend for help knowing what the symbols mean.