

What does la tarde mean?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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13y ago

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It means "In the afternoons" or "During the afternoons" depending on the context. Type your answer here...

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13y ago

"La tarde" means "the afternoon".

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What does afternoon mean in spanish?

(La) tarde.

What does son las de la tarde mean?

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What does de la tarde mean in English?

In its most common usage, "de la tarde" is used when telling time. It translates to P.M. or in the afternoon/evening. Son las dos de la tarde. It is two o'clock in the afternoon/It is two P.M. Son las cinco de la tarde. It is five o'clock in the evening/It is five P.M.

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"In/during the afternoon" in the afternoon/in the evening In the afternoon. Example: Me gusta esquiar por la tarde. Translated: I like to ski in the afternoon.

How do you say 1 50 pm In Spanish?

"la una" ( Es la una = it is one o'clock) or "una de la tarde" (one in the afternoon).

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What class is in the afternoon

What does es las una de la tarde mean?

It is one in the afternoon.

What does perldoname yo te voy llamal a la una de la tarde mean in English?

It is "perdoneme, yo voy a llamarte a la una de la tarde". I means "Pardon me, I am going to call you at one in the afternoon."

What does de la tarde mean in spanish?

"De la tarde" in Spanish means "in the afternoon" or "of the afternoon." It is used to refer to the time period from noon until evening.

What does ir a la casa a las tres de la tarde mean in English?

To go home at 3p.m.

What does tengo un examen por la tarde mean?

It means, "I have a test in the afternoon."

How would you say 255 pm in spanish?

Cinco para las tres (de la tarde)- 5 to 3p.m.Las tres menos cinco (de la tarde) - 5 to 3p.m.Las dos cincuenta y cinco (de la tarde) - 2.55p.m.Omit "de la tarde", when the context is known