The duration of Besos en la Frente is 1.58 hours.
En la Línea del Frente was created in 2005.
Besos en la Frente was created on 1996-09-05.
The cast of La primera en la frente - 1998 includes: Jorge Cadaval
Besos en la frente - 1996 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp
The first meaning of frente is "forehead'. There are 39 other examples of the use of the word frente [most with the English connotation of "front"] in the DICCIONARIO DE LA LENGUA ESPAÑOLA. If you can read Spanish, the link below may fully answer your question. Just type the word frente into the Busqueda box. ¡Buena suerte!Forehead in Spanish
You can use either one i.e Al frente de el televisor Al frente de la television.
El mentón / la barbilla y la frente.
The cast of Con la frente en el polvo - 1985 includes: Gloria Mestre
Frente a frente was created in 1976.
"Forehead" es la forma en inglés de decir "frente de cabeza".
The cast of Frente a la vida - 1939 includes: Camelia de Maucci Susy Derqui Carlos Fioriti Mariano Mores Elvira Quiroga Julio Renato Pepita Serrador