what does it mean when you start spotting 6 days after your period has ended
It could mean that you have ovarian cysts or cancer. Or it could mean that you were ready to start your period, and it knocked things loose.
women out their i think it means that u r pregnant
I have had the same thing. I think its just your period starting up...but with a slow start
Yes. The day you start bleeding is day 1 of your cycle.
you may be coming on i usually get period pains a few days before i start to bleed and then get none when i am bleeding
you start to feel your lower abdomen ache and crampy.. and you start bleeding!
Internal Bleeding
you have your period
on day 14, when the start of bleeding ocear
From the start. You count the first day of bleeding "day 1".
It really doesn't mean much. A period can last one day, but it can also stop and start. When that happens it usually happens because she had sex, is getting sick, or is under stress.