Hor du mig means nothing in German. The closest German phrase is hörst Du mich, which translates as can you hear me
"Älskar du mig?"
Borgen - 2010 Du skal ikke bedrive hor 3-5 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12
Hur mår du? (Sounds a bit like 'hoor more doo?")
Vill du gifta dig med mig?
Josh Hutcherson will be playing extremely hor Steve leopard
Urban Andersson has written: 'Nu ser du mig'
dont you mean how?
Can you ring me soon = Kan du ringe til mig snart
Might be "Vill du ligga med mig då?"
'You are special to me' would be 'du är speciell för mig' in Swedish.
Mig Alley was the name given to an area over North Korea during the Korean War(1950-1951) where the American fighters was sure to be attacked my Korean Mig fighters. A "Mig" is a general term for any Russian jet made that has a designation Mig such as Mig 15 or Mig 17.