"Sunflower" is an English equivalent of "girasol" (Helianthus anuus).The Spanish word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "el" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "un" ("a, one").The pronunciation is "HEE-rah-SOHL."
Diente de león.
Semillas de Girasol
"Sunflower" is an English equivalent of "girasol" (Helianthus anuus).The Portuguese word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "o" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "um" ("a, one").The pronunciation is "ZHEE-ruh-SOOHL."
The Spanish word for English is ingles. Ingles can mean the English language [of England] or an English person [from England[.
In Spanish it does not mean anything.
it means THEboth EL and LA in spanish mean THE in English
I speak spanish and English
'y' in Spanish = 'and' in English
This is not a word in English or Spanish.
Perico translates from Spanish to mean parakeet.