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The Spanish word "gente" means "people'>

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Q: What does gent mean in English?
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How do you say I live in gent in french?

J'habite à Gent, if you mean Gent in Belgium then it's J'habite à Gand

What is genta levels?

I'm guessing that you mean "gent" levels. "Gent" is short for gentamycin, an IV antibiotic that has to have blood levels monitored when it is given.

What does Connais un gent qui parle francais mean in English?

je connais des gens (always plural) qui parlent français: I know some people who speak French

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When was K.A.A. Gent created?

K.A.A. Gent was created in 1864.

When was Edward Gent born?

Edward Gent was born in 1895.

When was Hogeschool Gent created?

Hogeschool Gent was created in 1995.

What is the four letter word that is short for gentleman?


When was Cyriel Van Gent born?

Cyriel Van Gent was born on December 5, 1923, in St. Amandsberg, Gent, Flanders, Belgium.

When was Holly Gent Palmo born?

Holly Gent Palmo was born in 1963.

When was Georgie Gent born?

Georgie Gent was born on 1988-01-13.

What has the author Thomas Gent written?

Thomas Gent has written: 'Poetic sketches'