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"Deporte" means "sport". It is pronounced "day-PORE-tay". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.

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Q: What does deporte mean in spanish?
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What does the word sports mean in spanish?


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My preferred/favourite sport is....

What does deporte porque soy muy perezoso mean in spanish?

Sport because I am very lazy

How do you say favorite sports in spanish?

"Deportes favoritas" favoritOs NOT favoritAs

How do you say her favorite sport is in spanish?

deporte favorito

How do you say main sport in spanish?

principal deporte The above is incorrect. It is "deporte principal". The adjective does not come before the noun.

How do you say i play sports in spanish?

Hago / practico deporte

How do you say to skate in spanish?

To say "to skate" in Spanish, you would say "patinar".

How do you say 'I practice sports' in Spanish?

To say 'I practice sports' in Spanish, you would say ' Hago deporte'

What does en espana un deporte popular es mean?

En españa un deporte popular = In spain, a popular sport

How do you say my favorite sport is futbol in spanish?

Mi deporte favorita es fútbol.

How do you say a team sport in spanish?

"A team sport" is "Un deporte de equipo."