da = there
Trio was the German group that released Da Da Da in 1982.
Da, my friend, means "yes" in many languages around the world. It's a simple word that carries a powerful message of agreement and positivity. Embrace the universality of "da" and let it bring you joy and connection with others.
You can say : "Da".
'Da' is not Dutch, but is a German slang for 'as' or 'there.'
Will be in German is conjugated using werden sein:I will be there - ich werde da seinHe/she/it will be there - er/sie/es wird da seinwe will be there - wir werden da seinyou will be there - ihr werdet da seinthey/you will be there - sie/Sie werden da sein
Google translate is da best for German
Da ist sie.
Da hell if I knowz
Zwei Weltkriege und eine WM do da do da
There are = Da sind There are = Es sind
Ist Anita da?