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A simple answer would be a member of a royal family-you're royal by virtue of birth. Perhaps religion is another example.The opposite is ascribed membership-you can't join the medical/legal profession at birth - various educational tests have to be passed.

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Q: What does ascribed membership from birth mean?
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to what extent is a person's status ascribed at birth?

An ascribed status is a social status that a person is given from birth or assumes later in life

What is the term for social position that is received at birth or involuntarily assumed later in life?

ascribed status

What is a birthchild?

A birthchild is a child ascribed to the domain of its birth, or to the ruler of it.

What is an ascribed status?

It can be defined as followed. A status that can not be earned, it is assigned.

What is an example of an ascribed status?

An example of an ascribed status is being born into a wealthy family. This status is not achieved through personal actions but is assigned at birth based on familial circumstances.

Is an assigned or ascribed status?

An assigned status is one that is given based on individual achievements or characteristics, while an ascribed status is one that is assigned at birth or based on factors like age, gender, or family background.

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Which of these people has an ascribed status?

A person born into a royal family, such as a prince or princess, would have an ascribed status. This status is assigned to them at birth and is not based on their individual achievements or actions.

What are some examples of an ascribed status?

Examples of ascribed statuses include being born into a royal family, having a certain ethnicity or race, or being male or female at birth. These statuses are typically assigned to individuals without their choice or effort.

How can an individual's ascribed status be an important determinant of his or her achieved status?

An individual's ascribed status, such as race, gender, or socio-economic background, can influence the opportunities they have for achieving success in society. Factors like discrimination, stereotypes, and access to resources can impact an individual's ability to attain their desired achieved status, as they may face barriers or biases based on their ascribed characteristics. These societal dynamics demonstrate how one's ascribed status can play a significant role in shaping their achieved status.

An ascribed status is a social position?

An ascribed status is a social position that is assigned to an individual at birth or based on certain societal factors such as race, ethnicity, or gender. It is often beyond an individual's control and can impact their opportunities and treatment in society.

What does ascribed mean?

Ascribed refers to characteristics or statuses that are assigned to individuals involuntarily at birth, such as race, ethnicity, gender, or social class. These traits are typically beyond the individual's control and are often used to make assumptions about them in society.